EP. 009 | How Much Content To Post as a Small Business Owner

Podcast Summary

Let's talk about the elephant in the room... posting frequency. And in this podcast episode, I address the common question of "how much content should I be posting as a small business owner?" I start by emphasizing the need to avoid following blanket advice on posting frequency and instead focus on creating a personalized strategy based on individual business goals and capabilities. I debunk the myth of needing to post a certain number of times per day for algorithm growth and stress the importance of consistency over quantity.

To determine the right posting frequency, I emphasize the need to align it with specific business goals. I provide examples of different posting frequencies based on different business models and goals, highlighting the importance of tailoring content to fit individual skill sets and platforms. I also stress the need to test different posting frequencies consistently for a month before making any adjustments.

Ultimately, the key takeaway is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer, and small business owners need to customize their content strategy based on their unique circumstances and goals.

Episode Highlights

  • 00:00-00:03: Introduction to the topic of posting frequency for small business owners.

  • 00:03-00:05: Emphasis on avoiding generic advice and creating a personalized strategy.

  • 00:05-00:08: Debunking the myth of needing to post a certain number of times for algorithm growth.

  • 00:08-00:10: Importance of consistency over quantity.

  • 00:10-00:13: Aligning posting frequency with specific business goals.

  • 00:13-00:20: Examples of different posting frequencies based on various business models and goals.

  • 00:20-00:28: Tailoring content to fit individual skill sets and platforms.

  • 00:28-00:35: Stressing the need to test different posting frequencies consistently for a month before making adjustments.

  • 00:35-00:38: Conclusion and invitation for further questions from viewers.


Strategically Finding Your Posting Frequency as a Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, I often find myself facing the challenging question of how much content I should be posting on social media. It's a common dilemma that many entrepreneurs grapple with, and the abundance of advice and strategies available can be overwhelming. I want to share insights and strategies that have helped me navigate the world of social media content posting and strategy, especially as a small business owner.

Cutting Through the Noise: Mindset Shift in Content Posting

When considering the amount of content to post, it's crucial to cut through the noise of generic advice and mindset shifts. There's an abundance of bad advice circulating in the digital space, often with unrealistic posting frequency recommendations purported by self-proclaimed experts.

However, it's essential to understand that what works for one individual or business may not necessarily work for another. As a business owner, our primary focus should be on running our businesses, not just being content creators. Therefore, it's important to approach content posting with a mindset that aligns with our business goals and resources.

Determining Your Social Media Goals

Setting clear, measurable goals serves as the foundation for your content strategy. Rather than solely focusing on posting frequency, it's imperative to identify the objectives you aim to achieve through your social media presence. These goals could include building brand awareness, driving sales, securing partnerships, or establishing thought leadership. By reverse-engineering your content strategy from these goals, you can tailor your posting frequency to effectively support and align with your overarching business objectives.

Tailoring Your Content Type and Posting Frequency

Understanding the type of content you create and the platforms you engage with plays a pivotal role in determining your posting frequency. Different content types require varying levels of time, effort, and resources. By acknowledging these factors, you can determine the posting frequency that aligns with your capacity and allows you to maintain consistency.

For instance, as an infopreneur, my content creation involves diverse platforms and high posting frequency due to my goal of building broad brand awareness. However, a service provider with a limited client capacity may find that a lower posting frequency on specific platforms suffices to attract and engage their target audience effectively.

Adapting to Change: Evolving Posting Frequency

The dynamics of posting frequency are not static; they evolve alongside your business and its goals. Embracing change and continuously evaluating the impact of your posting frequency is essential. Your business may experience growth, pivot its focus, or adjust its target audience, all of which could necessitate a shift in your posting frequency. By remaining adaptable and responsive to change, you can ensure that your posting frequency remains aligned with the evolving needs of your business and audience.

Testing and Iterating: Finding Your Sweet Spot

An important practice is to test and iterate with different posting frequencies to identify what works best for your business. Give each approach a dedicated period, such as a month, to gauge its impact and sustainability. This process enables you to pinpoint the posting frequency that not only resonates with your audience but is also sustainable for you in the long run.

Finding the optimal posting frequency as a small business owner involves a tailored approach that considers your business goals, content type, and adaptability. Rather than adhering to generic advice, prioritize understanding your unique business needs and audience dynamics. By embracing flexibility and continuously evaluating your strategies, you can strike the right balance and achieve a meaningful impact through your social media presence.


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