EP. 008 | 3 Tips to Help When You Are Burnt Out on Content Creation

Podcast Summary

In this episode, I shared my personal experiences with content creation burnout and offered three valuable tips to help you navigate and overcome this challenge. I emphasized the importance of having a strategic system in place to avoid burnout in the first place, including aligning your content with your business goals, establishing a routine or workflow, and organizing your content ideas in a systematic way.

Additionally, I discussed the significance of determining your non-negotiable content creation tasks, which are essential for maintaining consistency even during burnout. Lastly, I highlighted the power of repurposing your existing content, especially during challenging periods, to ensure that you continue to engage with your audience without succumbing to the pressures of creating new content from scratch.

Episode Highlights

  • 00:00:00 - 00:02:27: Introduction to content creation burnout and the importance of having a system in place to avoid burnout.

  • 00:02:27 - 00:04:00: Tips on aligning business goals with content creation and establishing a routine or workflow for content creation.

  • 00:04:00 - 00:05:44: Discussing the concept of non-negotiable content creation tasks and how to prioritize them during burnout.

  • 00:05:44 - 00:10:02: Highlighting the strategy of repurposing existing content to maintain consistency even during burnout and introducing the Content Curriculum program.


  1. Airtable: A software I use for organizing content ideas and workflows.

  2. The Content Planner: A free Airtable template to help organize content ideas and workflows.

  3. Content Curriculum: A comprehensive program to create strategic content pillars aligned with specific business goals and topics.


Overcoming Content Creation Burnout as a Small Business Owner

As a content strategist with over a decade of experience in the marketing industry, I have encountered content creation burnout countless times. The excitement of creating Instagram content can quickly turn into a feeling of dread, leading to prolonged periods of disengagement from my audience.

Whether it's due to overwhelming client work or a lack of inspiration, content burnout is a challenge that many small business owners face. Let's dive into three essential tips for overcoming content creation burnout based on my personal experiences and strategies.

The Importance of Having a System

To prevent burnout, it's crucial to establish a systematic approach to content creation. This involves aligning your business goals with the content you produce. Understanding your business objectives helps identify the most suitable platforms and types of content for reaching your target audience.

By constructing a clear workflow for content creation, including scheduling, batching, and outsourcing tasks as needed, you can eliminate the daily pressure of coming up with new ideas. Utilizing tools like Airtable for organizing content ideas and workflows can streamline the process and reduce overwhelm.

Identifying Non-Negotiables

Establishing non-negotiable content creation tasks is pivotal in managing burnout effectively. These tasks align closely with your business goals and are the core activities that you prioritize even during periods of burnout.

For instance, in my case, focusing on producing YouTube videos is a non-negotiable as they serve as versatile content that can be repurposed across different platforms. Identifying your personal non-negotiables enables you to maintain consistency in content creation even when experiencing burnout, ensuring that essential aspects of your marketing efforts are consistently addressed.

Embracing the Power of Repurposing

When experiencing content creation burnout, it's essential to leverage the content you've already created. Repurposing existing content, such as reposting top-performing Instagram content or repackaging video clips for other platforms, allows you to maintain a consistent online presence without the pressure of generating entirely new material. Additionally, considering outsourcing tasks to virtual assistants or interns for content scheduling and management can provide much-needed relief during burnout periods.

Navigating Through the Seasons

It's important to recognize that content creation goes through seasons, characterized by varying levels of motivation and inspiration. Understanding these ebbs and flows allows you to navigate through burnout more effectively. By acknowledging the different priorities in content creation during these seasons, you can adjust your strategies and workload to align with your current level of energy and enthusiasm. Prioritizing mental well-being is also crucial, and it's okay to take short breaks when facing severe burnout to protect your overall health.

Embracing a Sustainable Approach

I have found that embracing a sustainable approach to content creation is key to overcoming burnout. This involves not only managing burnout when it occurs but also implementing strategies to prevent it through organized workflows, clear priorities, and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. By incorporating these tips into your content creation process, you can mitigate the effects of burnout and maintain a consistent, impactful online presence.

Content creation burnout is a common challenge, but with the right strategies and mindset, it can be effectively managed. By developing a systematic approach to content creation, identifying non-negotiable tasks, and embracing the power of repurposing, creators can navigate through burnout periods while maintaining a strong online presence.

Understanding the seasonal nature of content creation and prioritizing mental well-being are vital components of a sustainable and effective content strategy.


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